Executor is an application launcher software that comes as a bar. Since I switched to Mac I have been using an application launcher daily. I can't live without it. And I am glad to see applications like that for Windows. Executor is one of those applications. Executor allows you to start any application or document on your computer by typing its name. So, you fire up Executor by clicking on an icon or hitting a hotkey and type Calculator. The launcher will have indexed that the first time you run it. So, it will launch the application for you. It will also guess what you are about to type and learn from the applications that you use the most. So, in time, you can simply write cal, and it will know that you mean calculator. You can go to any website from the bar, by simply typing its URL. You can also use keyboards like Google Executor, which will fire Google up and search for it. If you type "find", it will use Windows search engine to find whatever you typed after it. Executor has tons of features that I can't describe here, so I would really recommend you to try it up. It feels a lot like Quicksilver on Mac. And the way you work will be changed forever. I don't usually say this. But since this application is free, if you think this is saving you a lot of time, you might want to donate to the developer, so he can keep up the great job.
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